Noel Tyl

Astrology => General Astrology Discussion => Topic started by: Steven7 on July 16, 2017, 02:57:25 PM

Title: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on July 16, 2017, 02:57:25 PM
Here is a short video report  by NeoVedic Astrologer  Ron Berger.

Ron has some interesting things to say  about the big cosmic event  in August.

Please bear in mind that this is done in Vedic Sidereal  System not Tropical.
 The planets zodiac addresses are 24 degrees behind standard Tropical Zodiac.
 The planetary mechanics are the same.
There are other interesting eclipse reports on You Tube as well.

Berger  points out September 3rd  as a  day that might trigger eclipse related events.
 Trans Mars will conjunct trans Mercury RX  on that day  at the scene
of the crime 28-45 Tropical Leo where the eclipse took place.
In addition, the planets Chiron and Uranus are aspecting the  Mars Mercury  eclipse location. So this could be dangerous and harmful.
 This is also near Trumps  Ascendant and Mars.
  Take a look
 The August 21st eclipse is similar to the 1776 eclipse.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on July 19, 2017, 06:49:29 AM
Transit events contacting  planetary midpoints in a chart are very important and should not be overlooked.
 The  July 23rd  New Moon   0-43 Leo strikes the USA  chart  Midpoints with some variation of minutes of arc depending on which of the 7 or so USA charts you choose.
 Mercury  Rahu Midpoint  0-53 Leo
Neptune  Uranus Midpoint 0-39 Leo

August Full Moon Eclipse  15-25 Aquarius
 Will oppose USA   Sun Lilith  Midpoint  16-15 Leo

Great American Solar Eclipse
28-52 Leo
Sun  Saturn  Midpoint 28-56 Leo    based on 11:08  AM  chart
 The Sibley  puts that midpoint at  29-03
So it is  direct strike to USA  Sun Saturn Midpoint in Leo
 Eclipses are mostly bad some cultures will not even view them and pray and fast during  those celestial events, good idea.

 Leo is a fire sign about health , heart, courage, government, kings, presidents, politics.

 The Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius 15-25 ds will oppose  his
Chiron Uranus Midpoint at 16-24 Leo

The Great American Solar Eclipse  will strike midpoints in Trumps chart.
 Saturn Neptune Midpoint  29-49 Leo
Jupiter Mercury Midpoint 28-09 Leo
 The Eclipse will be in his first house between Mars and his Ascendant
Conjunct his Ascendant 29-58 Leo   off 1 degree of orb.
Eclipse  will be in his 9th Lunar house of foreign matters and religion.

The Lunations for 2017 make a lot of close contacts to stars in Melania Trumps chart.

The Eclipse will oppose Donald's Part of Fortune 28-09 Aquarius, not good. POF  is in his 7th House of Love Hate, Partners marriage and it's a Maraka house.
   Election day was super for Donald  lots of planets were making favorable contact with his PoF. I did a post prior to the election  about that  but can't find it.
 The eclipse contact with his PoF looks very bad for Trump. Reversal of Fortune perhaps.

Are these eclipses the beginning of the end of the Reign of the Donald ?
 We shall see.
 The Stars of January 13, 2020 look severe for Donald.
 Pence has Pluto  conjunct  Regulas the fixed star of Kings and Presidents. Will he replace Trump ?

Trump's  popularity is in the tank, many supporters have buyers remorse.
Something hinky going on with his dishonest son Don Jr.
Trump is itchy to pass a health care plan that will make America financially ill.
It will fatten the fat cats of Big Pharma  Big Insurance and Big Medicine.
  Seems devious politicians  get mysterious payoffs via book deals honorariums etc from Black hand corporations and nations for turning tricks for moneyed interests .
 Rand Paul is the Paul Revere  warning America of the Great American Financial  Health Care Swindle.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on July 20, 2017, 11:49:06 AM
Someone here mentioned Solar Arc for Trump the other day, maybe Amy or Halina.
 The Solar Arc for Trump on July 6th saw the transitting Moon conjunct transitting Saturn  cross over Trump's Solar Arc  Chiron con Juno.

 Trumps Solar Arc will  soon have SA Moon exact opposite his Solar Arc Sun, a personal Solar Arc Full Moon.

Before that  we see the ominous August 21st Solar Eclipse 28-52 Leo.
 This will exactly Conjunct  Trumps Solar Arc Rahu / North Node 28-53 Leo
 as his SA Sun crosses Regulus. The eclipse will also oppose his Solar Arc  Moon conjunct SA Ketu.
 These things seem extremely dangerous for the President.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: amymaddalozzo on July 20, 2017, 04:04:29 PM
I agree with what you say Steven    It could be some sort of health issue--Donald trump has a horrible life style.  He does not believe in exercise and he, according to news reports, likes to eat junk food in front of the tv.  His SP moon is going thru his 12th natal house. The legal issues and investigations are bound to be drawn out.  AMY
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Stacy on July 27, 2017, 06:22:29 AM
I agree with what you say Steven    It could be some sort of health issue--Donald trump has a horrible life style.  He does not believe in exercise and he, according to news reports, likes to eat junk food in front of the tv.  His SP moon is going thru his 12th natal house. The legal issues and investigations are bound to be drawn out.  AMY

Given the ASC-Mars involvement, health problems are very likely.  However, Dean's possible scenario mentioned below sounds very possible as well; maybe more than one big bell will ring.

Personally, it's like waiting for the other show to drop with this aspect right on my MC and activating a health aspect (Mars cj Sat incj the SE point).  But with so many people in the world with a planet or point at this degree, we all can't experience the same manifestations. Coupled with the D Station of T Mercury at 29 Leo (or 27?),it will be a double-whammy though!

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: amymaddalozzo on July 27, 2017, 11:34:19 AM
Dean  and Stacy   There is talk in the media of serious consequences if Trump fires Mueller--given Mueller's birthdata, that firing could happen.  AMY
Title: Re: Synastric Nightmare & Trump's Harmonic Planets
Post by: Kelly C on July 28, 2017, 01:20:57 AM
Mueller's Mars squares Trump's 10th house Uranus.  I'll go out on a limb and say that we won't see those two performing an "Endless Love" duet.  Nothing gets by me!
What also seems relevant is that Trump's 71st harmonic Neptune (scandals) Pluto conjunction opposes his natal MC.  I thought to compare his harmonic planets to his natal chart after reading Alice Portman's great article.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on July 28, 2017, 07:58:56 AM
ya I guess Trump won't be asking him to the prom, looks like that's out of the question.

Scandal, did someone say scandal?
 The stuff in the New Republic has not gone main stream yet.
 If it proves out could be super bad and set off the Trumpocalypse.
It's about Trump and Russian mobsters renting and buying Trump properties going back decades. Maybe a cash laundry.

 The Solar eclipse landing on Trump's SA  Rahu and opposing his natal Part of Fortune in his 7th house, could be a reversal of fortune for him.
 eclipse path going through Lincoln Nebraska and Waterloo are not good omens.

Too many charts  look to be affected by these eclipse to post about, but some  are
 Pence, USA, Potus 1789 chart , Old NYC chart from 1600s, Israel of course mentioned in Rollanrm's posts, California, Canada and the NY stock exchange.
I'm sure there are lots of other charts  that get hammered by these eclipses.
 There are some you tubes about this  eclipse, some very interesting.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Antonio on August 01, 2017, 12:00:08 AM
The Great Astrologer's Eclipse?!   ::)

The sources are obscure, the interpretations many, but here are the astrologer’s degrees according to deVore:

From 22° – 28° Aquarius.
From 25° – 29° Leo.
With particular emphasis being given to the 27° Leo – Aquarius axis.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 01, 2017, 06:18:11 AM
An intriguing clever point, Antonio...methinks your astrologically endowed Mercury is showing ;).

With transiting Uranus (tightly) and transiting Saturn (widely) trine this eclipse - forming a Fire Grand trine of special emphasis - perhaps astrology will be significantly accessible, appealing, and supportive to some born around the eclipse (such as my granddaughter due Aug. 11). Why, maybe there will even be some great American astrologers among them...

Note to self: research prenatal and postnatal eclipse theory.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Barbara Ybarra on August 01, 2017, 10:08:34 AM
Readers:  Just to clarify about the solar arcs of Sun and Moon in Trump's horoscope which Steven7 mentioned....Trump will always have a very close solar arc of Sun opposite Moon because that is the way solar arcs are measured - by advancing at the speed of the Sun approximately one degree per year from the day he was born.  Every planet in the chart will move forward at the same speed all together as a whole.  They will never separate from each other in distance, nor draw closer together.  The solar arc Moon therefore will always be applying to an opposition from the solar arc Sun, and never make an exact opposition to each other.

The same applies with the Rahu - the South Node.  It will always be with the Sun and Moon in solar arc measurements, because Trump was born with it in that position.  And of course the part of fortune is where it is because of the Sun and Moon opposition, which is an integral force in his life. 

Because the eclipse is on his ASC it also strikes his DSC from the opposite side, bringing him once again into public awareness - and dare I say need.  The fact that his solar arc Moon is now reaching to conjunct the DSC, which will be exact in less than one year depending on how accurate is his birth time, might warrant some caution regarding our predictions which tend to be wish fulfillments.  Hardly anyone likes Trump, myself included.  I've already suggested one scenario on this forum in which the United States might need a president like Trump in the dimness of great natural disaster.  There are other scenarios, such as the need for a strong reaction against a strike from N. Korea. 

I'm just saying.
-Barbara Ybarra 
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Antonio on August 01, 2017, 10:33:22 AM
perhaps astrology will be significantly accessible, appealing, and supportive to some born around the eclipse (such as my granddaughter due Aug. 11). Why, maybe there will even be some great American astrologers among them...


"Furthermore, 11° Virgo is considered an astrologer’s degree, no doubt with a very tight orb, thus 10° – 12° of Virgo"

In the due date (which i like), tr. Vesta*-Mercury at 11 Virgo, plus tr. Mars at a very inspiring Sabian degree: "Leo 14: The human soul awaiting opportunity for expression"

* guardians of the sacred fire”.

The midwifery degree...

Just consider this: Never before, so many astrologers, from so many different walks of life, joined in the same place, to folow the stars in expectation for a baby birth! Maybe we'll follow a Moon that walks and stops at the Aries Point! ;D
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 02, 2017, 06:42:15 AM
Antonio, appreciate your positive delineations for Aug. 11. Plus it's refreshing to see modest Virgo (often underrated, imho) get a little recognition at the 11 Virgo Astrologer's Degree. ;) Might be some alchemy, or at least a little fascination in the Aug. 11 mix - with transiting Mercury in radar range (opposing) of Neptune. Maybe a practical, helpful mindset accentuated in some special way - with awareness, imagination, or sensitivity.
Of course then Mercury turns retrograde and will be at 9 Virgo R at the Aug. 21 eclipse, perhaps emphasizing - internalizing - eclipse potential in individuals born in this Mercury Retrograde window. 
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Pamela Young on August 02, 2017, 08:43:05 AM

Because the eclipse is on his [Trump's] ASC it also strikes his DSC from the opposite side, bringing him once again into public awareness - and dare I say need.  The fact that his solar arc Moon is now reaching to conjunct the DSC, which will be exact in less than one year depending on how accurate is his birth time, might warrant some caution regarding our predictions which tend to be wish fulfillments. 

I had thought that the issue of Trump's correct birth time had been resolved and that the currently generally accepted time of 10:54 a.m. was correct, but I've just read an article by Christine Arens in the August 1 newsletter of Kepler College entitled, Donald Trump's Birth Time Mystery, which examines the question again.  According to her findings, it looks like Trump was in fact probably born at 9:51 a.m., as was originally reported.  If so, the August 21 eclipse will not hit his ASC-DESC axis closely; in fact, the August 7 eclipse might be more important to him, as it will hit closer to his 9:51 a.m. ASC of 17 Leo.  Well, we'll see.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: James Williams on August 02, 2017, 02:07:07 PM

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Pamela Young on August 02, 2017, 06:05:04 PM
Yes, that is partly why some people wonder if that (supposed?) birth certificate can be trusted: because Trump personally supplied it.  He had previously called his mother to find out what time he was born and she had said 9:51 a.m., and that time was used for years.  All of a sudden Trump posts a birth certificate with a new time.  It's just odd, and knowing Trump, you can't help wondering about it.  Christine Arens' article goes into detail about the whole thing and is definitely worth reading.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 03, 2017, 05:56:56 AM
 Trump Time, thanks for the info, I'll be open minded but a bit skeptical.
  Robert Hand  said Lynne Palmer predicted 911 terror attack, others have debunked that by pointing out   her shot gun approach to prediction. If you throw  enough crap against the wall eventually some of it will stick. She made a lot of terrorism USA predictions that year and one of them stuck.
 Sometimes the experts are wrong  everyone at ISAR predicted Hillary would be president. Joni Patry at that convention said she would win the election but would not become president. ding ding ding we have a winner that is what happened ,Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million but lost the electoral votes.

There is a little difference in the 2 chart times 17 leo Asc  and 29 Leo Asc the MC's  differ,  the Moon changes 1/2 degree  but the Part of Fortune differs greatly.
 The 29 Leo chart has his PoF at  28+ Aquarius, The trans planets were bouncing off his PoF on Election day  suggesting that he would win.

  I think Part of Fortune is critical in birth time testing and rectification. The PoF moves like lightning only the Vertex is faster.

 Now we see the alignments with the Eclipse Trump 29 Leo chart and North Korea and  Kim Jong Unglued's chart , ( see the N.Korea thread  on Mundane page ).
  Trump may be forced into leveling Pyongyang and cooking Kim.
Just add the secret spices from the colonel's recipe and you've got Kentucky Fried Dictator.

NYC old chart, USA Potus 1789 chart look agitated greatly by the eclipses.
NYC was the original capital of the USA and that chart  looked dangerous for

The Eclipses do look bad for Hillary, Last September the transits slammed her Mars Pluto conjunction, I posted about that prior to the transit. September was Horrid for Hillary  coughing fit and talking crazy in Ohio Then on 911  she collapsed at the ceremony and was hauled off for medical attention.
Her Mars Pluto are under attack again,  health or enemy issues most likely. Will the new FBI guy investigate her ?  Debbie Wasserman/Awan brothers/Seth Rich imbroglio may lead to Hillary.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 03, 2017, 06:09:28 AM
Hi Pamela, thanks for the alert. After reading the link I plan to continue using the 10:54AM AA-rated time until there's proof that the time on his BC was altered. 

I don't think it's odd that Trump supplied his BC (Barack Obama did the same in 2008) and I don't think it's odd that his mother's memory may have been off (a strong possibility I've been cautioned about the entire time I've been in astrology!). Plus, considering that she had five children (Donald was her fourth), I can easily imagine some wiggle room in Mrs. Trump's memory of all the birth details. A time on a supporting document, such as a birth announcement or recording in a family bible, would be interesting but I assume none has surfaced. 
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Barbara Ybarra on August 03, 2017, 06:47:25 AM
Pamela, if you ask me, Kepler college is just whining like a 3rd grader over not having been able to predict that Donald Trump would win the election.  Like many other astrologers, too many measurements were used, and not the important ones, and they let their own personal bias get in the way.

The reason I said "depending on the accuracy" is because solar arcs take a whole year to move through one degree, so exactitude depends crucially on the time that the infant takes their first breath.  It takes 4 minutes of time for the earth to move through one degree of the zodiac in actual time.  The nurse who is the time keeper could have been busy and taken a minute to note the I am just qualifying the nature of the allowance for exact conjunction with solar arcs when talking about the Ascendant and Midheaven.  I have no reason to think that Trump was born at 9 something in the morning instead of the time recorded on his birth record.

 Noel himself suggested very early in 2016 that Trump would be president.  In fact, my husband just reminded me that I came back from Noel's seminar and in January of last year said to him that I was convinced that Trump would be our next president.  I said this at a local tv interview filmed in late January of last year, and I wrote it in a book which I submitted to AFA in early September of 2016 which will be published by them this fall.

Prediction is about many things.  Yes, we cannot always just look at the measurements and make a decision, even when they are the right measurements.  However, Trump has the sort of chart that screams for public fulfillment, much more than any real estate magnate or tv personality would expect to have in their chart.  No one in our circles wanted this to be true.  But there is a whole country full of people who wanted him to be president, and we had to be blind not to see them.  When it all adds is silly to say that we had the wrong birth chart.   It is rated AA, and there is no reason to suspect that Trump would care about altering it.     


Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Barbara Ybarra on August 03, 2017, 07:08:15 AM
P.S.  When I said "no one in our circles", I should quantify, because I personally know more than one person who was a Trump supporter at election time (though I was not), and there are indeed Republican astrologers out there.  I myself can stray over political party lines, though I consider myself a conservative Democrat at heart.  There are quite a few extremely liberal-view astrologers around, whom I consider as my friends.  Hopefully any hate for Trump does not affect people's friendships.   
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Pamela Young on August 03, 2017, 07:44:17 AM
Trump Time, thanks for the info, I'll be open minded but a bit skeptical.

   If you throw  enough crap against the wall eventually some of it will stick.

 Sometimes the experts are wrong 

Thanks, Steven; I agree totally.  Being 'open minded but a bit skeptical' is a good approach to take, I think; I'm going to do the same.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Pamela Young on August 03, 2017, 07:48:34 AM
Hi Pamela, thanks for the alert. After reading the link I plan to continue using the 10:54AM AA-rated time until there's proof that the time on his BC was altered. 

I don't think it's odd that Trump supplied his BC (Barack Obama did the same in 2008) and I don't think it's odd that his mother's memory may have been off (a strong possibility I've been cautioned about the entire time I've been in astrology!). Plus, considering that she had five children (Donald was her fourth), I can easily imagine some wiggle room in Mrs. Trump's memory of all the birth details. A time on a supporting document, such as a birth announcement or recording in a family bible, would be interesting but I assume none has surfaced.

Thanks for your comments, pdw.  You're right, if Trump's mother's memory was off that would hardly be surprising; it certainly would be nice if some kind of supporting document showed up, but so far no luck, I gather.  I'm going to continue to keep an eye on both charts, 9:51 and 10:54.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Pamela Young on August 03, 2017, 08:02:08 AM
Pamela, if you ask me, Kepler college is just whining like a 3rd grader over not having been able to predict that Donald Trump would win the election.  Like many other astrologers, too many measurements were used, and not the important ones, and they let their own personal bias get in the way.   

The reason I said "depending on the accuracy" is because solar arcs take a whole year to move through one degree, so exactitude depends crucially on the time that the infant takes their first breath.  It takes 4 minutes of time for the earth to move through one degree of the zodiac in actual time.  The nurse who is the time keeper could have been busy and taken a minute to note the I am just qualifying the nature of the allowance for exact conjunction with solar arcs when talking about the Ascendant and Midheaven.  I have no reason to think that Trump was born at 9 something in the morning instead of the time recorded on his birth record.

 Noel himself suggested very early in 2016 that Trump would be president.  In fact, my husband just reminded me that I came back from Noel's seminar and in January of last year said to him that I was convinced that Trump would be our next president.  I said this at a local tv interview filmed in late January of last year, and I wrote it in a book which I submitted to AFA in early September of 2016 which will be published by them this fall.

Prediction is about many things.  Yes, we cannot always just look at the measurements and make a decision, even when they are the right measurements.  However, Trump has the sort of chart that screams for public fulfillment, much more than any real estate magnate or tv personality would expect to have in their chart.  No one in our circles wanted this to be true.  But there is a whole country full of people who wanted him to be president, and we had to be blind not to see them.  When it all adds is silly to say that we had the wrong birth chart.   It is rated AA, and there is no reason to suspect that Trump would care about altering it.

Hi Barbara,

I loved your characterization of Kepler College as whining like a 3rd grader because their prediction about the election was wrong; got quite a laugh out of that.  You may be right that they let their bias get in the way.

I did realize why you said 'depending on the accuracy,' that you were talking about the solar arcs; I just highlighted it in colour because it made for less for me to type.  I know you were not at all saying that you thought Trump's chart time was wrong.  And I know the 10:54 time has been rated AA.  I accepted that time without question for quite a while; it's only since yesterday, after reading Christine Arens' article, that I began to rethink it all.

 I am just going to keep my eye on both charts and see what happens.  With these two eclipses coming up, whatever happens with Trump should give us some clue as to which chart is right; and something is surely going to happen.  I just hope it only involves Trump (e.g., perhaps a health issue), and doesn't embroil the whole world in something, like a war with North Korea.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 03, 2017, 08:48:33 AM

...I came back from Noel's seminar and in January of last year said to him (husband) that I was convinced that Trump would be our next president.  I said this at a local tv interview filmed in late January of last year, and I wrote it in a book which I submitted to AFA in early September of 2016 which will be published by them this fall.

Barbara, congrats on the publication of your book! Can you share the title and what it's about?

Speaking of eclipses (as potential openings for a change in our routine), did the September 2016 eclipses (9 Virgo SE and 24 Pisces LE) contact your chart, or factor into your decision to submit your book then?

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Barbara Ybarra on August 03, 2017, 03:04:39 PM
ha, pdw, no the eclipse last Sept. was not a deliberate factor, though that degree is close to my MH.  When I submitted it, I only considered the time it was posted to place my ruler applying to Jupiter or something like that.  I did it after waiting a long time to hear from Llewellyn, who never did contact me.  The day I sent it to AFA Mercury was in retrograde of all things...but I didn't care.  Later I discovered that the horoscope for AFA also has Mercury retrograde.  BTW, I think AFA takes their submissions more seriously than many other companies since they require manuscripts to be printed out.  I doubt if Llewellyn even look at my submission file.  They are now mainly looking for books on Tarot and witchcraft now...books that sell like hotcakes.

So, sorry for hijacking this post to be about me.  I will post another time about my book.  Thanks, pdw.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Kelly C on August 04, 2017, 01:07:19 AM
The 10:54 AM chart's angles nearly match the POTUS chart's angles.  His life events fit this later time.  I detailed, after the fact, the 4 very telling exact aspects he had on election night.  I've seen no evidence that Trump faked the birth certificate.

I would be quite surprised to find out that the Trumps study astrology.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 04, 2017, 04:02:17 AM

So, sorry for hijacking this post to be about me. I will post another time about my book. Thanks, pdw.

No, my bad for diverting you (with my wandering curiosity ;)). Anyway, thanks for the reply and good luck with the book. I'll be on the lookout for further details.   
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: James Williams on August 04, 2017, 07:00:41 AM

Trump's copy of his birth certificate which he supplied to Newsmax back around March 29, 2011.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 04, 2017, 09:15:49 AM
Thanks James, looks solid. Maybe someone can send it to Kepler folks.

 trans Sun just crossed Trumps Pluto
Trans Mars aspected by the Moon  is crossing his Pluto
 Trans Pluto is aspecting his Uranus
Trans Venus is aspecting his Lilith
 Quite a prelude to the eclipses as the sharks are circling smelling his blood.
   Mueller would never go after the Clintons who have gotten rich off Russia.
  If they do get Trump I hope he has intel on all the Washington crooks creeps pedophiles and murderers and takes them all down on his way out.
 Slick Willy survived an impeachment, maybe Trump will too.
 Will he fire Mueller?  tiny window of time to do that.
  Grand jury is forming, Mueller brought in a legal expert.

 The eclipses may effect the Clintons ( my favorite villains).
Hillary's Mars Pluto looks to take a hit as does Bill's Part of Fortune. I expect to see these jokers back in the news.

 Chester Bennington looks to be a pre-eclipse murder victim by the way the eclipses impact his chart.

Some racial story in the news of Missouri that is impacted by the eclipse, a place to watch.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: rollanrm on August 04, 2017, 07:51:09 PM
Steven7 - if you are looking for trouble for your fave criminals the Clintons, look first for some entertainment from our old friend GianPaolo diCoco who is convinced the eclipses could be big trouble for especially Hillary. See
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 04, 2017, 09:35:54 PM
Steven7 - if you are looking for trouble for your fave criminals the Clintons, look first for some entertainment from our old friend GianPaolo diCoco who is convinced the eclipses could be big trouble for especially Hillary. See

Thanks Rollan, I think Gian is right. Yes he is entertaining,. He does an interesting read on her chart.
 Debbie Wasserman Schultz is in big trouble  with the Awan brothers. Maybe it will bring more problems for Hillary especially  if they can recover smashed hard drives that Awan had. It would be great to see the Bonnie and Clyde of Politics behind bars.
Title: Re: Yellowstone and The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Lopaka on August 05, 2017, 08:06:04 AM
The press reports today (8/5/17) that there have been over 1400 earthquakes near the Yellowstone Volcano since 6/12/17.  They (well, the UK Express, never given to nuanced reporting) beats the drum about the possibility of an imminent eruption and the resulting devastation, yada yada yada.  However ...

the path of totality for the 8/21/17 eclipse passes almost exactly over Yellowstone, in Western Wyoming.  Gotta wonder, especially with the partile trine of the eclipse to Uranus and the simultaneous aspects from the eclipse to Trump's chart.  Even if the volcano does not blow, something is about to happen.

From my personal perspective, I was born and raised on volcanic islands and was never bothered by any volcano until I moved to Washington State just in time to live through the 1980 Mt. St. Helen's eruption.  Now, my wife and I moved from Western Washington to Kennewick, Washington last June, about 200 miles closer to Yellowstone.  We like the warmer and dryer weather, but a volcano may be too warm and dry.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Barbara Ybarra on August 05, 2017, 09:21:37 AM
Yep, so right you are, Lopaka.  There is a post I made on Yellowstone in the mundane section about that (Don Borkowski had to correct me on the state), and then I saw, like you, the report on all those little earthquakes there.  The summer Ingress for Jackson Hole also suggests upheaval to occur during that season.  Just saw on some news channel that Trump had a meeting with FEMA recently.  I'm sure he would be really excited to be able to take credit for saving lives if it turns out to be something horrendous for us.  Maybe  purchase your oxygen masks now.  We might all need them.     
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: rollanrm on August 05, 2017, 05:07:42 PM
In support of the idea there should be concern over the currently disturbed Yellowstone, I would note this. The Park extends over (chiefly) Wyoming but also into Montana. There is no asteroid for Wyoming but there is one for Montana. At 27 Aquarius it is conjunct America's moon and within the fourth of the land given the Scorp rising chart I'd use. The most crucial point is that 27 Aquarius is of course opposite the GT American Eclipse.  That could  be pointing to trouble given the effect of such a major eclipse.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: SGFoxe on August 05, 2017, 05:41:19 PM
downstate Illinois is at the cross roads of the center lines of both the 2017 eclipse and the 2023 eclipse ... and as far as i can determine just a bit north of the Dec 16 1811 epicenter of earthquake that rang the churchbells in delaware and presaged the War of 1812
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 06, 2017, 10:12:54 AM
Eclipses can cause immediate disturbance or actualize within  a year usually.
 Planetary interactions that converge with the eclipse path can be eruptive.

Add Chicago to the Eclipse list
 Eclipse path cuts through southern Illinois  but not Chicago
 Illinois is bankrupt.
Chicago is called Chiraq  because it's more dangerous than Iraq.
4th of July weekend saw 100 people shot 12 dead.
 I  think they may be heading for a record year for murders.
And now the Great American Eclipse stops by for a visit dead bang on Chicago's natal Moon  28-59 Leo

The Sun is the dispositor for Leo , sits in Leo and is conjuncted by natal Ketu.

Might be a place to steer clear of.
 Crazy times in America's Murder Capital could get  very dangerous.
 Leo is a fire sign, maybe a gunfire sign in this case. Chicago had a horrific fire in the 1800s.
 A look at progressions  might say more.

The Full Moon Eclipse on August 7th trines  the natal Lilith.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 07, 2017, 08:20:47 AM
Leo Eclipse not  only visits the Moon of  Chicago but it also come to visit The Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
 It lands on his Uranus-Pluto Midpoint 28+ Leo ( looks wild ) and square his Scorpio  Mars  .
His Moon is somewhere between 21 Scorpio and 4 Sagittarius
 So in the whole sign house system this eclipse  could be in his 10th Lunar house of Career, governance or 9th Lunar house of foreign people as he fights the Feds to keep Chicago a sanctuary City.
  Maybe someone has a solid chart for him, this is a day chart but Mars Pluto and Uranus are slow so day chart works for those.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: crabman on August 21, 2017, 08:35:45 AM
Immediately after the total eclipse the moon goes void.  How does that affect interpretation?  Or is it inconsequential?
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 22, 2017, 02:31:58 AM
Hello Forum, I got to be at the edge of the eclipse path yesterday, in north Georgia, with 32sec of totality. I feel fortunate to have experienced it - along with lots of other boaters out enjoying the happening. The takeaway for me and my crowd was the demonstration of how powerful and strong the Sun is, how just a sliver of it can provide so much light.

I also feel fortunate to know three natal Suns in the path of this eclipse. Can't wait to hear what they experience in the coming months.

Trump's speech, last night, about a new strategy in Afghanistan, reflects his eclipsed Mars-ASC and a new martial directive, to me.   
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Stacy on August 22, 2017, 09:00:19 AM
So, pdw, you were one of those people I saw sreaming and clapping on CNN coverage yesterday, haha? ;)  A part of history! 

Sounds like a reasonable deduction about Trump and the SE.  I would love to see a thread where those with a tight transit of the SE point share what happens in the next 6 mos. With me, I am certain it is behind the recurrence of my pre-cancerous colon polyps given the SE triggered my N Mars-Sat incj. and conjoined the house my Sun (life-force) rules (h.10), however, have a feeling other events will manifest in coming weeks/months. We may see more with Trump, as well. This activated more than one point/ruler in our charts.

Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: rollanrm on August 22, 2017, 09:28:19 PM
Crabman - Yes, it is important that the moon goes void after the eclipse but I think it  would be wrong to imagine nothing will come of the matter.

I have read and somewhat experienced that VOC moon can mean very unexpected, surprising events rather than no results at all. We should surely expect just  that meaning in this case because also Merc is retro. In effect the surprise even started not long after the eclipse with Trump (whose Mars was hit) announcing a policy which marks a major rethink as regards Afghanistan and carries veiled threats for other parts of Asia, doubtless NK, which he reserves the right to attack as and when it suits him, in short he is going for surprise.

 I think it is guaranteed there will be surprises around Israel who as we knew had the sun setting about Jerusalem as the path of totality began over Salem in Oregon, but apparently the path managed to cross seven Salems in the US. America will surely drop Israel or surprise everyone by insisting the temple be rebuilt or something like that. Israel's Mars was hit by the eclipse which hardly promises peace.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Steven7 on August 23, 2017, 07:36:12 AM
 The Eclipse also hits a midpoint in Palestine's chart. Doesn't look like a happy laughing party, looks severe and dangerous for more mayhem.

Eclipse passed over Waterloo , is that an omen for Trump ?

 More boots on the ground and air strikes in Afghanistan.
 Trump says trust me on this. 
 Will we see more American soldiers slaughtered to protect the poppy fields and the world heroine epidemic as America sinks deeper into the maelstrom of debt?
 America has been financially raped  by these eternal wars , 6 Trillion dollar price tag so far. A million people have been murdered by these diabolical wars. Many millions have been displaced.

The eclipses hit General Mad Dog Mattis.
 The eclipses are amazingly interactive with his horoscope. His birth time is unknown, that's OK there is more than enough info in his day chart to see what's happening.

 15-25 Aquarius Lunar eclipse hit his Sun at 150 ds
Trined his Neptune

Solar eclipse 28-52 Leo
Struck his natal Venus 28-29 Leo
 Aspected his Nodes 28-25 Pisces Virgo

 His Natal Pluto Square Natal Mars
 Midpoint about 4 Libra sextiled by natal Moon
Venus rules Libra and his Venus sits at eclipse point.
On September 3rd trans Mars conjuncts trans Mercury on his Venus and the eclipse point 28 Leo.
 September 4th, Mercury stands still at 28 Leo as it finishes  retrograde
 and then goes direct. These station points are punctuated power points.

It could get wild
Palestine and more
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: pdw on August 25, 2017, 03:40:54 AM
Hi Eclipse Followers,

For folks with charts closely contacted by this eclipse - such as Trump, Stacy, and anyone else you know - let's watch for emphasized or related activity Sept. 2-5, when transiting Mars and Mercury R will trigger (conjunct) the eclipse point.
Title: Re: The Great American Eclipse
Post by: Stacy on August 25, 2017, 04:53:53 AM
Yes, pdw, a double-whammy nail-biter to be sure! (speaking for myself)

To make it a bit more stressful for me, the effects can take up to 6 mos. after an eclipse to manifest, so I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop --though it could be a positive event(s), as well. And then again, we know positive events can be stressful, too. Anything outside of our comfort zone which requires an adjustment.
