Author Topic: astrology - what works and what doesn't  (Read 66573 times)

james m

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astrology - what works and what doesn't
« on: August 30, 2010, 09:15:46 AM »
i posted this in the mundane astrology section but thought some here who never seem to participate in the mundane section might be interested in this as well..

i think those interested in astrology need to have a conversation about what works and what doesn't... i am sure this conversation isn't black and white and what might work for someone might seem useless to another astrologer... we are being given a huge amount of information to consider with the easy access of data on so much.. this includes learning about astrologers approaches from the past thru 'project hindsight'... how much of it needs to be thrown in the trash can, and how much of it actually works? some astrologers seem afraid to comment on these questions or consider the validity of the techniques and tools they are using or exploring.. to me that seems counterproductive... if astrology is to express an open attitude on all the information coming available it has to also work towards articulating why something does or doesn't work...

as i see it,  proof of any technique might be captured in a prediction, but they don't happen very often! most of the time it is different types of analysis of charts with accompanied techniques that others may or may not be familiar with that often fall flat as the audience must become familiar with these techniques or silently they abstain from the conversation... it is like astrologers have broken off into taking different languages where a group are conversant in 'vedic' for example, but have no knowledge on another area of astrology and vise versa... perhaps this is to be expected given the parallels with astrology and language that have been made... one can see this ''language'' gap very clearly here at noel tyls site and at most other astro sites..

if nothing else an open mind can explore the different techniques being used here, or not... too much openness leads to a cluttered mind as well perhaps, but i think it is the responsibility of any person serious about astrology to consider the different techniques in use and decide from themselves what they will use in it all .. a new student of astrology must start somewhere.. as they progress further along it may be necessary for them to throw out basic information that doesn't seem to work with their increasing knowledge of the ins and outs of this language called 'astrology'..

at any rate i find the whole issue of what works and what doesn't with regard to astro technique fascinating and thank lorenzo smerillo and ed kohout who post almost exclusively on the mundane thread here at noel tyls forum for commenting relatively directly on a topic that i think is worthy of consideration and friendly discussion.. 

Offline ODdOnLifeItself

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 10:34:37 PM »
Hello james m

Not much time, so pardon my brief answer....

Various people use various techniques.

Some get some rather strange ones to work.  (produce reliable results that they and their clients can rely on)

Whether others can get them to work or have an ability to truly understand the technique is a totally separate consideration.

As an example, Alice McDermott is a very good astrologer, very adept at the technical.  She says explicitly that Age Harmonics work.  I have come to the same conclusion.  Isaac, who is VERY meticulous about what we CAN and CAN'T use (reliably) in Astrology is considering including them in a newer version of Polaris.  Here, we have three technically-oriented astrologers evaluating them and finding MUCH VALUE in them.

Up against that, all of Lorenzo's and Ed's poo-pooing them is worth precious fact, really nothing at all.

But, I've said that before.  Must we continue to restate the obvious.


« Last Edit: August 30, 2010, 11:44:31 PM by ODdOnLifeItself »
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Offline Pamela Young

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2010, 04:05:40 AM »

 most of the time it is different types of analysis of charts with accompanied techniques that others may or may not be familiar with that often fall flat as the audience must become familiar with these techniques or silently they abstain from the conversation...

If "the audience"  chooses to "silently abstain from the conversation" it is not necessarily because they are unfamiliar with the techniques, but rather that they have decided as the result of bitter experience that there is no point in attempting to reason with a closed mind.   

Offline Kathy Rose

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2010, 04:43:40 AM »
You ask an interesting question - especially related to testing techniques through prediction.

I have some strong feelings about this, because I feel it’s VERY important to factor in free will and choice. We may see measurements  converging on a particular date that “should” produce results ---- and then don’t because the person underachieved or failed to live up to the measurement.

For example, very often when women are raising their children as stay at home moms, a major hit to the MC will fail to produce much because their focus is entirely on the act of mothering instead of career. Their life is very internal and behind the scenes instead of external and visible.

This happened to me when my children were very young. I had a major solar arc to my MC - with no manifestation in my life. Looking back - I can see now that I had actually given up a large part of my personal identity while I emersed myself in the role of mother. I lost a big part of my individuality during that time.... which is natural and happens to many moms.

That doesn’t mean solar arcs don’t work!

I have an artist friend with incredible talent who has embraced underachievement as her lifestyle. Her Sun is 25 Gemini. When Uranus and Saturn transited she felt a tiny stirring within -pushing her to break out of underachievement - but that’s all. Nothing changed in her life..... nothing!

That doesn’t mean transits aren’t relevant. Instead, it is a clear example that she didn’t utilize the transit.

I have many clients who want absolute prediction. Many right now with homes on the market - asking for exact dates for when their home will sell. They are stressed and afraid - and want the comfort of a future prediction.

In one of these cases a woman had SA Jupiter = Moon (ruler of her 4th) WITH other transits from the faster moving planets to back it up.  In a good market, that would most likely produce the sale. In her case, there was a very interested party who looked at the property - but no offer. Her house has been on the market for 10 months - and the  most interested person during the whole time the house has been on the market came right on the day when the SA was exact.

I had to remind my client that I never predicted there would absolutely be a sale at that time..... I had said there was a good chance for an offer IF the price was right - and that she’d probably see good activity at that time. The economy and housing market has made it tricky to predict sales with confidence. That doesn’t mean the technique doesn’t work.

Wisdom has to prevail in Astrological consultations.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 06:38:34 AM by Kathy Rose »
Kathy Rose Astrology

Offline Noel Tyl

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 05:59:54 AM »

Excellent commentary, Kathy; thank you.

---I believe my essay in the Archives of "Notebook":  July 31, 2008  --How the horoscoope seems to weaken-- is relevant to these observations.

Noel Tyl
Noel Tyl

james m

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2010, 09:34:56 AM »
thanks everyone for these comments..

kathy i really like what you've said here as it goes more directly into what i was hoping to discuss with some of my comments.. regarding underachievement, i think it's a user defined concept, but i know how the world likes to impose a view on this whereby someone is or isn't reaching their 'true' potential... success to me is a very personal thing which doesn't hinge on recognition outside my own view on it which i believe is the most central.. perhaps though underachievement and achievement can be seen in the chart to a degree with the natal saturn position, a focus on the midheaven, or the opposite and etc...  translating artist 'talent' into something concrete is no easy matter either way and thanks for these examples..

i was also thinking along the lines of the example you gave on the solar arcs not necessarily working in the way we might have thought, so thanks for offering those examples as well.. i think anyone who is asked to make a prediction or considers the predictive process realizes just how difficult it is to offer one with high confidence unless it is given in a general manner..

one aspect of what i was hoping to discuss are the many different techniques that are in use today in astrology... many of these techniques have been around for a long time, but some are very new and still in the early stages of understanding and development.. here on the mundane thread i was introduced to the idea of using midpoints- which i have used for the past odd 25 years, but on smaller wheels then the 90 degree wheel which is all that i have worked with...   i suppose this is pretty arcane to some here, but i've found the introduction to this worth more attention on my part.. harmonic charts is another area that i think is worth exploring more and i would include age harmonics in this category, although a part of the set up to these makes no sense.. older techniques that are in use, like peregrine for example make no sense to me in light of these same 'modern' techniques that offer so much detail that was never possible back when these type of techniques were in use... i suppose the same goes for the older use of distant stars which may also have been used to fill in many blanks prior to an understanding of solar arcs for example... i see this clash working itself out in the astrology community today in interesting ways, mostly in how one astrologer will come to a conclusion in a very different way then another one would..  perhaps this will be worked out over time, but i am not so sure.. maybe it doesn't matter.. perhaps it is like different tastes in music, some liking classical and others liking rap for example.. the chasm between the two seemingly so great that some might think the rules of music have been turned upside down!

what i notice in the astrology community is a willingness to work with many different techniques to get at the meaning of a chart without necessarily understanding the historical context these same techniques are coming out of or how much of these techniques might be replaced by more modern ones that reveal aspects to a chart that had never been previously considered.. transportation has changed the world in the past 100 years.. is it possible that we can consider how many of the astro techniques introduced in the past 100 odd years or less are changing the of understanding an astrology chart at present? it seems many in the astro community are content to stay firmly attached to the past without considering how the whole astro language or landscape has changed so dramatically.. the idea of questioning these older techniques will never happen if a consideration of newer ones aren't explored.. perhaps i am being too aggressive in stating all this.. i realize this is up to each individual involved in astrology to work out these things out on their own terms, but as an observer it appears as a real clash of values..the only thought i have to get beyond this observation of mine is for those who rely on a particular technique demonstrate how it works in a predictive context to give it more credence...

i like the simplicity of donna cunninghams philosophy which seems to be working with only transits for predictive purposes..  of course it's backed up with many years a long study and observation too... perhaps her work is mostly centered around natal astrology, but i like the simplicity just the same...

i suppose it is once again a case of my own journey with astrology that matters the most... what others do with the options available to them in all the techniques and systems available is up to them.. i think predictive astrology where the reasoning behind the prediction is explained would go a long way to clarifying what does or doesn't work in this area.. analyzing charts from the pov of past tense is all fine and good and necessary, but we need to do more then that i think.. thanks for the conversation here..

Offline BigMac

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2010, 11:00:27 AM »
Hey James,

I like your open attitude.

i suppose it is once again a case of my own journey with astrology that matters the most...

That's certainly been true for me. Astrology has been an important element in my own evolution.

Personally, I tend not to use Astrology for prediction. Having been heavily involved in the psychic side of experience, I know that prediction of future events is possible. I've been developing a philosophical astrology that shows the 'logical' construction of 'The Self', with extensions into 'deeper' levels of existence. In my experience, consciousness is not the major part of being - just the part we're most familiar with, currently.

Whenever you deal with prediction, you're inevitably questioning 'free will'. Many people insist on the primacy of 'Self' and the importance of 'free will', even in the world of mediums and psychics, and in the same breath they'll tell you "event A will happen at time B on day C". I don't think you can have it both ways - if prediction is possible, there is no 'free will' and the conscious self is a creation of some deeper reality. Prediction is possible.

ODd, with his testing of the Polaris rectification software, seems to be on to something. If it can be shown that known birth times can be predicted from known life events, against probability, then we may have a tool for testing the reality of Astrology, and all of its components - such as house systems. (Good luck with that!). The only thing I don't like about that idea is that I didn't think of it!

My own fears centre on a fact of experience - you're dealing with a level of intelligence, and of control, that is possibly beyond understanding. Looking around the internet I see so many contradictory "this technique works" stories - purposeful confusion? Time will tell.


james m

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2010, 01:35:51 PM »
hi big mac - thanks for your kind words.. i like your attitude as well! i especially like the idea  we are only looking at the tip of an iceberg when it comes to consciousness.. i may be taking your ideas out of context but i like this analogy to consciousness.. perhaps prediction implies a loss of free will on the one hand, but it might imply another part of consciousness is moving us in a particular direction that we are either going to go along with willingly or not... a conversation on free will or fate must account for the idea we can't know everything their is to know at any time, but work with what we have on a conscious level.. what might look like '''fate'' might actually be a deeper expression of free will and vise versa... i haven't a strong clue on how this all works, but i like the idea of not getting locked into an either or position with these ideas...  it is like those eternal type questions"chicken or egg first" with no clear answer in sight!

Offline waterbird

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2010, 03:53:44 PM »
Kathy Rose,

I read your post re hopuse sale with interest.

In 2001 I sold amy house - a Real Agent from a reputable firm came to evaluate to sales price etc. I learned his birthday and noted his Natal Sun was conj my Jupiter which is on my Sun/Moon MP. I thought this may be a good connection.

A friendly Astrologer advised to use caution - Saturn was T my 2nd house - in engaging this Agent as he could cost me a great deal of money! After that initial visit I only heard from him once - prospective buyers wanted to make an inspection with another Agent from the same franchise. I never saw this Agent again. So this had lead me to believe Jupiter may not deliver what he promises!

A female Agent sold my home when T Venus - Ruler of my 2nd,  moved to  my Part of Fortune in 8th! At this time Jupiter was retro. conj N Mercury in 3rd.

water bird.

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2010, 05:46:32 PM »
Hi all

I see Astrology as the study of the manifestation of solar system and universal energy on Earth.  If I lived on Mars it would be the study of the manifestation of universal energy on Mars .. and so on.

This is a vast and profound field with almost infinite ways of perceiving and measuring this process.

We all have different types of minds and therefore different types of perception so we use different criteria in assessing what in astrology is of value to each of us.  None of us are capable of fully comprehending this area, so we all gain from our differing approaches and the resultant discussions.

Likewise, human cultures, both ancient and modern, have used a variety of processes to observe, measure and interpret the workings of our Solar System and how it affects us here on earth.  None are 'right or wrong', each describe the way the people of these cultures perceived reality.

Some of us enjoy the contemplation of large cycles of time and like to study how planetary cycles manifested in different periods - a kind of 'telescope' approach;  others like to study very finely tuned manifestations - a microscope approach; quite a few of us don't care a bit about either of these approaches and prefer to observe how ordinary astrology works in individual lives within a specific culture.  All are perfectly valid and all can complement each other.

We can argue forever about the various techniques available in modern and ancient astrology but it is a fool's game.  People choose the type of astrology that suits their own perception of the world and can't relate to techniques that don't.  Very practical and precise people can't understand why others don't like the knowledge and techniques they offer as they work so well,  they tend to get very upset at what they perceive as a foolish and impractical approach to astrology.   Quite often these types of people have no way of conceiving the more colorful and emotional approach of other astrologers - a bit like a green spectrum color blind person has no possible way of seeing green.  Likewise the more emotional type of astrologer can't understand why the technique oriented astrologer can't seem to perceive the underlying story of the astrology and get upset at their 'denseness' ... and around and around we go!

Both approaches are absolutely necessary to the study and application of astrology.  Without practical and precise techniques astrology can get lost in the vast sea of emotional perceptions, without emotional perception astrology becomes dry as dust and worthless in human life. 

For myself, I present on this forum techniques that work consistently and accurately with my clients.   Some of them are very new and are presented for interested astrologers to try out for themselves.  I am not upset if astrologers prefer to not experiment and stick to the techniques that are tried and true, but I do find it a bit silly to reject a technique because it theoretically can't work, when it manifestly does work. 

From my perception most of us are still in kindergarten or grade 1 in the study of astrology as there is so very much about the Earth, Solar System and Universe that we as yet have no knowledge, let alone comprehension.  The longer I study and apply my knowledge to real life (40 years to date) the more I realize how little I know. I love the harmonic approach to astrology as it fits my mindset, the contemplation of the flow of energy from microscopic to macroscopic levels is enthralling and the possibilities within that flow are probably infinite.  Yet other astrologers love the security of the 'box' type of astrology presented by medieval astrologers, where black is black and white is white, everything is fated .. end of discussion.  Most astrologers are somewhere in between these two quite different ways of focus and all use techniques that generally work well for them.

Alice McDermott

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2010, 06:49:39 PM »

This was a very well-written presentation.  I know what works for me (most of the time) and what doesn't work (with a comparable frequency).  As I wrote to Tim Neilson a few years back, plumbers are just as important as poets.

Don Borkowski
True astrology is that which can be taught to other people who can then replicate the teachers' conclusions through their own effort.  --Don Borkowski in July 1983 issue of MERCURY HOUR

Offline Kathy Rose

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2010, 03:31:08 AM »
Beautiful post - well said! I totally agree with everything you've said. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Kathy Rose Astrology

Offline dixieturner

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2010, 05:17:22 AM »
Yes Alice,

I also really appreciate your post. I think you really convey what is going on in the world of astrology in a very professional and dignified way. Thank You, Dixie Turner

Offline Pamela Young

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2010, 05:23:43 AM »

I see Astrology as the study of the manifestation of solar system and universal energy on Earth.  If I lived on Mars it would be the study of the manifestation of universal energy on Mars .. and so on.

 People choose the type of astrology that suits their own perception of the world and can't relate to techniques that don't.  

For myself, I present on this forum techniques that work consistently and accurately with my clients.   Some of them are very new and are presented for interested astrologers to try out for themselves.  I am not upset if astrologers prefer to not experiment and stick to the techniques that are tried and true, but I do find it a bit silly to reject a technique because it theoretically can't work, when it manifestly does work.  

From my perception most of us are still in kindergarten or grade 1 in the study of astrology as there is so very much about the Earth, Solar System and Universe that we as yet have no knowledge, let alone comprehension.  The longer I study and apply my knowledge to real life (40 years to date) the more I realize how little I know.

Hi Alice,

I totally agreed with everything you said in your post, but the sentences I've highlighted really resonated with me.  I haven't been studying astrology quite as long as you, but long enough to know that the more we learn, the more we realize how little we know.  But unless we try new approaches and techniques, we'll never learn anything new.

Thank you so much for your post; well said!

« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 06:03:24 AM by pamela young »

Offline BigMac

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Re: astrology - what works and what doesn't
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2010, 06:16:11 AM »

 ... Nuclear physics is not really very impressed by "the four elements".  ... The capacity of the human individuals for self-deception is commensurable with their ignorance of the continuity of time and matter.

In my own model of Astrology, "the four elements" translate as four necessary categories in the most general (and simple) definition of topology I could devise ... and topology is right at the heart of modern theoretical physics - just ask Michio Kaku.

As for the capacity of Human beings for self-deception ... yes, indeed. I once thought I was wise enough to be free of self-deception. I was wrong then, as you are now. We all have problems seeing past the concepts and assumptions we mistake as 'facts'. But we do live and learn.


hi big mac - thanks for your kind words.. i like your attitude as well! i especially like the idea  we are only looking at the tip of an iceberg when it comes to consciousness.. i may be taking your ideas out of context but i like this analogy to consciousness.. perhaps prediction implies a loss of free will on the one hand, but it might imply another part of consciousness is moving us in a particular direction that we are either going to go along with willingly or not... a conversation on free will or fate must account for the idea we can't know everything their is to know at any time, but work with what we have on a conscious level.. what might look like '''fate'' might actually be a deeper expression of free will and vise versa... i haven't a strong clue on how this all works, but i like the idea of not getting locked into an either or position with these ideas...  it is like those eternal type questions"chicken or egg first" with no clear answer in sight!

Yes. My own take on Astrology shows that there are non-personal elements of 'Self'. We see the reality of this in 'altruistic actions' - individuals give up time, and sometimes their whole lives, to benefit others.
