The Maze of Description As we learn astrology, it is a liability that we are taught in fragmentary style, in terms and terms and terms of description. As a result, we learn too many hypothetical details, we learn about the trees and overlook the forest. There is so much “this means that” in what we read and hear, and it all swirls together into a maze that suggests, if we could learn all the nooks and crannies, all the descriptions, we would have controlof all the information and be the world’s greatest astrologer!
Well, it doesn’t work that way. Memorizing, glibly recalling thousands of epithetical bromides, spouting them off entertainingly does not begin to grasp the human drama. By trying to master information, we spin our wheels too easily with regard to appreciating the humanistic objectives of astrology.
Two Major Teachings The antidote for this information gout is an approach to analysis of astrological variables that is lean and organized. There are two major teachings that are so simple, yet so hard to assimilate because of those descriptive routines with which traditional teaching burdens us: First, we can not relate the person to the horoscope (i.e., we confine the individual to what we know about astrology) -instead, we must relate the horoscope to an individual’s reality, bring it TO life; and Second, we must know that astrological measurements are guidelines only, that they will only suggest behaviors and will be filled out differently in each individual life.
Following these ideas, we get a “feel” for astrological measurements, not a detailed lexicon of thousands of permutations! We take that feel and see how it takes form within the reality being lived by the client. We learn and appreciate the life-fit through dialogue with the client and through client exposure, and then we focus the astrology adroitly to the individual’s reality.
Getting Started with Artistic AnalysisWhen we remove the difficulties of descriptive fragments, we find that the way to analysis is easier: it is flexible: as it adjusts to individual reality situations, we start to feel significant as an astrologer, working with real issues in the process of human development rather than with a complex jigsaw puzzle.
For example, hemisphere emphasis (see Archives of this website section) sets up a mindset that begins to extend to other measurements as they are grouped into synthesis. The Sun-Moon blend is analyzed (all 144 of them are analyzed in Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology -The Professional Manual; again see Archives here) and felt in terms of the hemisphere emphasis in the horoscope. If key measurements like Saturn retrograde or hard aspects with the Lunar Nodal axis appear (see Archives), they are assimilated into the growing feel. Rulership dynamics (planets ruling Houses) synthesize experience potential even further, and, in practically no time, we have the “feel” we’re looking for, the platform upon which to develop an interesting, rich, personalized dialogue with our client.
For example (also, please see the four examples in the “Consultation Workplace” Section of this website), if the hemisphere emphasis of a horoscope is focused below the horizon and perhaps also to the East (guarding the Ascendant), we know that, within development, there will be the sense of “unfinished business” in the early homelife, that this will demand a defensive personality structure. Then, if we spot strong hard contact with the Nodal Axis (within, say, 2 degrees), through that planet and its House rulership, we will find out perhaps what is behind the defensiveness, what is within the unfinished business; in this case, a strong, far-reaching maternal influence.
Going further, perhaps Pluto squares, conjoins, or opposes the Moon -corroboration of the mother focus; perhaps the ruler of the Ascendant is retrograde or under heavy developmental tension; perhaps the ruler of one or both arms of the parental axis is under high tension·.All of these things -often together in the same horoscope- show the homogeneity of developmental concerns in this individual’s life.
Our job is to discover these trend suggestions and pursue the guidelines with the client, in order to be helpful in behavioral modification, strategic change, etc., in many possible therapeutic modalities (see The Creative Astrologer)
More We know that the Grand Trine is an arch defense-mechanism. The point is not to describe it as such, but to fit it into the reality scheme of a person’s life: why is it needed, how does it operate, is it still needed in adult life to such an extent as it was in earlier development? Can energy be freed up now, in adult security, to allow further development and greater happiness? –This is the stuff of modern astrological consultation.
Get Started Take your own horoscope: assess the hemisphere emphasis, write down your assessment. [If it’s defensive to the East, ask “Why?; if it’s pushed around by the world to the South, ask “Why no anchor?, What’s missing for stabilization?” If it’s to the West, giving yourself away to others, ask “Why? Why do I leave myself behind?” If it’s to the North, ask “what is there to do about the unfinished business I have linked to the early home?”]
Get the feel of your Sun-Moon blend (relying on the energy archetype of the Sun focused in terms of a pressing, reigning need in the Moon) and write down two phrases about that, working into those phrases the sense of the hemisphere emphasis you’ve just assessed. Then, ask yourself “OK, now how is all this going to develop?” Think in terms of your social awareness and knowledge, human terms; start some hypotheses, look for the horoscope to corroborate those hypotheses.
Then, check out key measurements like Saturn retrograde, hard configurations with the Nodal axis, and THEN identify major aspect routings, incorporate the sense of the House experiences from the Houses ruled by the aspecting planets. -Your scenario should be developing along a continuous, reasonable, realistic line from the first impression through Hemisphere Emphasis.
Example Make a drawing of this horoscope and follow along: female, June 1, 1926 at 9:30 AM, PST, Los Angeles, CA. Look at the hemisphere emphasis: to the South, conspicuously, suggesting potential victimization, behind swept away by events, blown with the winds, exploitable. The Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Aquarius: the Aquarian needs to be innovative, unusual, socially significant uses the energy of diversified intelligence, perceptions and communications; a people-sensitive position. This lady will do anything to gain significance (love), will be swept away with any promise of significance.
Next, you see the Saturn retrograde phenomenon, and you know what that suggests. -This woman has not had an anchor in her development; she’s so victimizable; she needs to work through so much to be fulfilled as special. Specifically, of course, the focus is on the father situation, extended then to men in general, and so much more.
Next you see the dominating aspects: Neptune rising in opposition to the Moon, with that axis squared by Saturn: a sense of suffering under a burden. And second, you see that Saturn retrograde is quindecile to the Sun-Mercury conjunction: the sense of burden continues, and there’s an obsession about putting the self-forward for significance (note, Sun rules Ascendant).
And finally: you note that Sun rules the Ascendant (another statement of the same thing through the relationship the Sun has with Saturn); Mercury rules the 11th, the need for love and the 2nd, self-worth; Saturn is focused in the 4th, a parental House. -It all comes together!
Naturally, all deductions start to say and complement the initial impression.
And THIS is just the beginning, but it is a holistic beginning, a humanistic composite, and not a grocery list of descriptions. -I think you will agree, that this bare-bones information alone, suggested by the horoscope in artistic orientation is enough to begin significant analysis and discussion of Marilyn Monroe’s life development.