

Neptune Eye Flutter and Saturn Ring Finger

Glimpses into Analysis The “Neptune eye-flutter”: whena person flutters the eyelids rapidly (for sometimes 3″ seconds!), withthe eyes just about closed, note that it occurs when a statement of opinionis called for, when the first person singular is used. This suggests atenacious, pervasive Neptune function in the horoscope. A man has Neptune conjunct Venus-retrogradein the…

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Consultation Glimpses

Consultation Glimpses How does your client know that you’re intelligent, well-read, orderly, sensitive, empathic? –Think about that. When a client comes to an astrologer it is just like you or me going to a doctor or counsellor. We need to be sure of what we’re getting into! Barking dogs, full ashtrays, overflowing wastebaskets, uneaten food, chewing…

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Remembrance of Things Past

Remembrance of Things Past Remember that trying time you experiencedrecently. Analyze why it jarred you, hurt you so. Let’s say, your self-imagewas threatened in the eyes of your spouse; you felt that, whatever thecircumstance was, you were made to appear less of a person than you aresupposed to be. -Astrologically, this suggests that your flow…

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Body Shifts

Body Shifts It’s fascinating to ‘listen’ to language cues about emotions coming out of the body: “I’ve got to get this off my chest; I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulder; I was weak in the knees; I could have died when I heard that; that was a real judo-chop;…

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Considerations about Orb

Considerations about Orb Orb is a convenience. It helps astrologers make order among many, many degree distances. Theoretically, holistically, everything in a horoscope is in aspect with everything else, to one degree or another (no pun intended). The entire behavioral and value-judgement system of the human being works within some homeostasis, some balance and routine molded throughout the…

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Brush Strokes for the Portrait!

Brush Strokes for the Portrait! About ten years ago, I was thrilled to visit a special exhibition at the National Art Museum in Washington: the grand works of American Painter (1826-1900) Frederic Church. His canvases were the National Geographic of the day: Heart of the Andes, for example …paintings so large it was a rare wall or living…

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Negation/Denial, Tension/Motivation

Negation/Denial, Tension/Motivation Negation/Denial No one likes to hear about difficult things, especially about oneâs self; of course! But to appreciate the clientâs individual development (to bring the horoscope to life), the astrologer must learn about the swirls of emotion and grooving of behaviors (all in relation to individualized needs and required defenses), that emerged out of the early…

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Creativity and Aesthetics

Creativity and Aesthetics For many years now -testing my own measurement management technique and gathering research- I have made a decision during my horoscope preparation time about a client’s profession and jotted that profile down in abbreviated form on the horoscope paper. As an initial conversation start-up, I have usually asked the client what he…

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Astrology and Aging

Astrology and Aging I am personally intrigued with the power of Neptune symbolism in Arc and Transit. We can say across the board, that any strong angular contact by Neptune Arc or Transit (conjunction or square) will signal a period of suppression, of ego wipeout. The time of life is lonely, bewildered, lost. Very rarely…

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Horoscopes with Minimal Developmental Tension

Horoscopes with Minimal Developmental Tension There are fancy psychiatric names for conditions involving problems that individuals can not easily describe (polymorphous perverse, for example); problems that have no ‘handle’: generalized, often debilitating upset, malaise, depression. -It is much easier to therapeutically address a concern that has an edge to it, that can be easily and…

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