

No Moonwalk for Michael Jackson

No ‘Moonwalk’ for Michael Jacksonby guest astrologer Basil FearringtonBasil Fearrington is certainly one of the fastest rising stars of the astrology world. His superb book The New Way to Learn Astrology presents a modern, psychologically sensitive approach to new students in the field most successfully. His lecture activities have gone coast to coast, been featured at the…

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Jupiter and Saturn Each Upside-Down!

Jupiter and Saturn, Each Upside Down! In their basic calligraphic structure, Jupiter is Saturn upside down; Saturn is Jupiter, upside down! What is this symbolic reciprocity telling us? Why and how do they ‘go together’? We can say generally, Jupiter-Saturn: “Law and Order”. We can say “expanding” and “condensing”. We can say “Opportunity and Reward”…

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Establishing Focus within the Future

Within the single-session, comprehensive appreciation and projection work we do in consultation, several concepts guide us: creating a portrait of the individual and his or her development through the early home environment; establishing the psychodynamic concomitants of behavior patterns carried into adult relationship, family development, and professional occupation; and projecting that development forward into the…

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Declination Waves for the Future

DECLINATION WAVES FOR THE FUTUREReviving a Predictive Tool – An OrientationBy Carolyn Egan Carolyn Egan of Cranston, RI, an expert astrologer of long standing, is well known worldwide for her work and teaching in the mundane field of long-range weather forecasting. As well, she has focused specialist attention on the study of Declination, more specifically, a prediction tool called The…

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Multi-House Signification

Multi-House SignificationRulership Networks: the key to sophisticated horoscope analysis. [Please see page 225-270 in “Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology,” especially; and Archives (below), March 31, 2000, “Cusp Concepts, Interception Insights.”] A planet is a significator, a referrer to the House that it rules. It is dramatically so. A major theorem taught and practiced in the Master’s…

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The Indispensable Sun/Moon Midpoint

Please re-study as well the Essay archived below for December 30, 1999 Every astrologer must be familiar with the symbolism of the growth-fuel of life: the energy symbolized by the Sun and the focus of that energy into the reigning need of our existence. The 144 polarities possible for the Sun and Moon were covered…

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Nodal Axis Revisited

Nodal Axis Revisited Some 25 years ago, I formulated and researched a phenomenological insight about the Lunar Nodal axis: that it represented the mother archetype … and that any planet or point in the natal horoscope configured by conjunction, opposition, square, or (now) quindecile with the Nodal Axis (within, say, 2.5 degrees) would suggest an undeniable importance/influence of…

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The Vagaries of Precision

The Vagaries of Precision With the world crises over the past two years, there has been much interest and work focused within Mundane Astrology, an extremely demanding use of astrology, dealing with the horoscopes of nations and the bringing of cosmic phenomena down to earth. Every seasoned Mundane astrologer –and there are few—has a track…

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Four Ways to See the Parents

Four Ways to See the Parents In rich psychologically sensitive analysis of life development, it is vitally important to study the formative years of life, the modeling impact of the parents upon the young person, the interaction with the parents. There must be varied degrees of developmental tension there; there mustbe; that’s why the Ascendant is…

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Working Knowledgeably with Eclipses

Working Knowledgeably with Eclipsesby Jill Amery Jill Amery is our guest essayist this month and next, dealing with the phenomena of eclipses. Jill is a highest honors graduate of the Noel Tyl Master’s Degree Certification Program. She is a professional astrologer in Magill, South Australia: Solar and lunar eclipses can appear as dynamic catalysts…

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