

Astrology: Good Guys and Bad guys?

Management of Measurement Constructs Astrology: Good Guys and Bad Guys? There’s a tendency in human nature to take personal credit for the good that happens to us and to blame someone else or something outside ourselves for the difficult, challenging, bad things that happen. We want exoneration. Psychoanalyst J. C. Fluegel, at the end of…

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Astrologer Self-Assurance supports Client Confidence

Management of Measurement Constructs Astrologer Self-Assurance supports Client Confidence The astrologer, by definition, is a person of authority. The client comes for information and learning; the client pays for it. The astrologer better be good! 🙂 As the astrologer practices and learns about life and communicates more and more smoothly and didactically to clients, the…

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Marriage-Divorce Bromides

Management of Measurement ConstructsMarriage-Divorce Bromides There’s a well-worn adage in astrology that says if there is a double-bodied Sign (Gemini, Libra, Pisces, or Sagittarius) on the cusp of the 7th or if the ruler of the 7th is in a double-bodied Sign, ‘there will be more than one marriage.’ The deductive logic behind the bromide…

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Measurements that just go by!

Management of Measurement Constructs (An echo of this month’s Counseling Insights essay)Measurements that just go by! Too many astrologers think that everything “works”!, that every transit is going to pull our life-strings and that we’ll feel every tug dramatically. –But astrology just doesn’t occur that way.First of all, planets do not make things happen. People do. –The symbols…

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Corollary Thinking

Management of Measurement Constructs [Brought forward for re-emphasis from “Counseling Insights”, August 31, 2004. I feel that this discussion about “Corollary thinking” should be in every astrologer’s ‘Notebook.’]Corollary Thinking Corollary thinking is exposing a thought that is companion to a thought already presented; the new thought follows naturally usually into a new, even opposite direction.…

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Astrological Theory, Astrological Truth

Management of Measurement Constructs Astrological Theory, Astrological Truth In the title of this essay, there’s a strategic comma between the two concepts. This comma protects us from the split of an “either/or” perception, the cumbersome challenge of an “and” position, or a tangled “within” fusion. As it is, the title presents the concepts in parallel; they…

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The Simple and the Good

Management of Measurement Constructs The Simple and the Good What is simple isn’t always good, but what is good is almost always simple. For fifteen-hundred years, astrologer mathematicians worked to simplify Ptolemy’s technique of Primary Directions. The technique was impressive for so long because it was intelligent and complex. [Please see chapter one, Solar Arcs] It’s part of human…

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The Dignity of Sagittarius

Management of Measurement Constructs The Dignity of ‘Sagittarius’ When I hear the grand word “Sagittarius” abbreviated into colloquialism –‘Sadge”, “Saggie”—I stop cold in my tracks. The strength and dignity of the Sign is lost in order to suit something hip; is it that the astrologer can’t manage a word slightly longer than the average? I think the…

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The Energy of Needs

Management of Measurement Constructs Oh! The Energy of Needs So much of our life —so very very much— is linked to having to do something in order to make progress with life. We have to follow the instructions of our parents. We have to do what our teacher tells us. We have to model ourselves to societal expectations of behavior. We have to get a…

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