Books by Noel Tyl

Noel Tyl has written 32 books and edited 7 others. He is the most prolific writer in the history of astrology. His textbooks began in 1973 with The Horoscope as Identity and continued on with the 12-volume classic The Principles and Practice of Astrology. 

Noel Tyl's Guide to Astrological Consultation

From creative computer orientation, to humanizing and linking measurements in analysis preparation, to discussion tactics in consultation! FIVE verbatim consultation texts WITH the thoughts behind the words included!!! Creating memorable remedial themes and images within Tyl’s newly structured “Therapy Flow” orientations, and ten major insights to polish your growth as a consultant. (7.5 x 9, 248 pp. $24.95) Order your copy directly: 1-800-THE-MOON, Llewellyn Publications

Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process

Seeing the vocational profile within the horoscope has been one of the most difficult tasks astrologers encounter, burdened with laborious details. Now, for the first time ever, master astrologer Noel Tyl presents the “Midheaven Extension Process,” a highly innovative approach to vocational astrology that is elegant in its simplicity and relevance to the modern job culture. “Vocations: The New Midheaven Extension Process” is a much-needed guide that will change forever the process for vocational counseling.
Order your copy directly: (6 x 9, 240 pp. $19.95): 1-800-THE-MOON, Llewellyn Publications

Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology

Tyl has written Astrology’s Professional Manual, the 1000-page Synthesis & Counseling in Astrology, with 122 illustrative cases.
Order your copy directly: (7 x 10, 1000 pp. $39.95): 1-800-THE-MOON, Llewellyn Publications 

Solar Arcs

 A masterful treatise on “Solar Arcs” –480 pages (7.5″ x 9″)- including Rectification, Tertiary Progressions, an extraordinary 100-year Ephemeris AND a Meaning-Index of every Solar Arc possible in astrology -over 1,000!

This is it! -The Hot One: “Solar Arcs — Astrology’s Most Successful Prediction System”, written by the highest authority with this technique in the world! 

Intimacy Sexuality & relationship

Tyl’s 29th text. A definitive study of astrology’s most popular and demanding themes. Thirty case studies to dramatize the dynamics of relationship: those that lead to intimacy or away from it; the expressions of the animus and anima; fateful connections through the Nodes; sexuality in its problems, passions and extremes; Moon-Marriage orientations, and synastric studies of success, happiness, and break-up.

Astrological Timing of Critical Illness

Tyl’s research into medical astrology has produced the breakthrough volume Astrological Timing of Critical Illness, with 72 Case studies, showing how astrology can help to save lives.

The Creative Astrologer

Noel Tyl’s The Creative Astrologer, aligns astrology with one of the newest and most exciting paradigms in modern psychology: the techniques that support single session therapeutic success. Astrology is molded into into maximum relevancy and helpfulness during the first consultation.

Over 700 creative connections are presented in the text to guide astrologers through planetary and aspect symbolisms into a deep analysis of the human condition. Tyl presents so many techniques involving preparation for the consultation, methods for questioning, inviting client disclosure, presenting the horoscope with skill, and exploring viable therapies for an enriched life.
There are verbatim transcript presentations–the first ever in the astrology literature–and a full discussion of the difficulty of behavioral predictions, how to frame them within client realities, and how to invite involvement from the client. This is astrology in its most creative and constructive format: therapeutic holistic consultation transcending abject description of varied chart factors. This is the guide to the highest professionalism in client service through astrology