Hemisphere Emphasis

Hemisphere Emphasis Within analysis of astrology’s guiding measurements, the creative astrologer must include as much reference as possible to real life, the developmental process. All deductions must be directed to relating the horoscope to the reality being lived by the client. We are helped in this approach to real-life orientation during development, in a flash, by…

Quindecile Aspects

The Quindecile Aspect Some four years ago, I resurrected the quindecile aspect from a passing reference to it in early writings of Thomas Ring, a brilliant German astrologer-theoretician early in this century. The aspect’s drama and significance in life development are absolutely compelling. The passionate nature of the aspect led me to pronounce it, in…

Sun-Moon Blends

There is so much talk about the Sun: wesay “What Sign are you? Where’s your Sun? There’s nothing new under theSun” and more. The answer to those first questions, a really good answer,would be “everywhere”; after all, the Sun shines throughout theplanetary system and, indeed, throughout our lives. It’s everywhere. It’sthe energy of being, isn’t it? We…

Derivative Houses

Recently, a client contacted me with the news that, out of the blue, he had received news that his mother had died. “Paul” and I are in regular contact, and we had done a comprehensive update of his horoscope recently. He is on the verge of a new business operation, and we had mapped out…


A recent inquiry into the discussion Forum of this website focused on peregrination. In my reply, I spoke how -after some 30 years of study and observation- I have started to push the envelope, so to speak, about peregrination, to give us an analytical tool and concomitant guidelines that make it easier and faster to…

MidPoint Pictures

The development of MidPoints as a dimension of sophisticated astrological analysis is a most creative effort to extend the innate symbolism of the astrological portrait. With MidPoints, we are compounding synthesis: one planet is related to the essence of two others. For example, the essence of the Sun and the Moon , related to each other, is “relationship”…

Angularity and Development

Clients come to astrologers for insight and for news about change. Most clients are eager for the former and afraid of the latter: while insight usually resurrects insecurity as one works to improve a life situation, change can threaten the status quo with transient insecurity within the development process. As a result, what is already…