Art of Questioning

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsArt of Questioning In astrology, we work to relate the horoscope to the reality being lived by the client. We use questions to discover the substance of development on an infrastructure of time. That substance comes from the client’s life, not from an astrological textbook. We must find out the actuality and…

 Art of Connections

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsThe Art of Connections Remember the jokes about “why did the chicken cross the road?” –“To get to the other side!”? The key word here to help this joke delight a youngster is the word “why.” I think that astrology is usually too smug to ask the question why; we presume that astrology…

Consultation Glimpses

Creative Connections & Client Communications Consultation Glimpses When a client calls you for an appointment, what is your discussionabout? Have you thought it through? What do you say and why? How do youdescribe what your client should expect from a consultation with you? Whatdo you hear in what your prospective client says? This is terribly important,…

The Fear of Abandonment

Creative Connections & Client Communications The Fear of Abandonment So often, the pattern is revealed in consultation -just as it came forth again in one of my four clients this morning-that one is adopted when the unwed mother dies, that the grandmother who adopted her then herself dies some six years later, and then the…

How Far Do Planets Go?

Creative Connections & Client Communications How Far Do Planets Go? Yesterday, one of my clients was a woman running and now owning her family business, an art-design company. Her Midheaven of 00 Pisces was clearly corroborated through aspects with Neptune and the reality focus of her professional life. The consultation went as smoothly as I…

More Creative Insights

Creative Connections & Client Communications More Creative Connections Updated December 30, as promised Revealing Statements When a client tells you that, in childhood, the family moved every year or so! (probably because the father was in the military), what does this suggest to you about developmental considerations, difficulties? Where do you look in the horoscope for…

The 12th House

Creative Connections & Client CommunicationsThe 12th House Here are just a few insights drawn verbatim, but shortened, from The Creative Astrologer, pages 189-190, about the 12thHouse, the House that is so difficult for us in astrology: The 12th House has the sense of getting prepared, perhaps of making corrections, especially when observing the buildup of a major…

The 12th House, continued

Creative Connections & Client Communications The 12th House Here are just a few insights drawn verbatim, but shortened, from The Creative Astrologer, pages 190-191, continuing from last month’s presentation, about the 12thHouse, the House that is so difficult for us in astrology: Creative Connections: The 12th House (part 2) With Neptune arcing down to the Ascendant from within…